Sunday, 22 March 2015

Claudia mood board

This is the mood board that I designed for the character of Claudia. It icludes some images of characters from different horror movies including Mandy Lane from All the boys love Mandy Lane, and Ginger from Ginger Snaps. I chose these two characters specifically because they share character traits with Claudia such as being socially awkward and not having a huge amount of confidence in themselves... at least... in the begining of the movies. Both girls actually end up becoming killers, Mandy teams up with her deranged  best friend to murder her admirers and Ginger sets off on a bloody killing spree after being bitten by  a warewolf.  as well as reflecting Claudias quieter less confident side, their transformations into murderers are similar to the transformation that Claudia has in her mind of herself sometimes when she is angry or if she is determined to get her own way, jealous or paranoid usually concerning her imaginary boyfriend Quentin. When Claudias mind runs wild she becomes a strong, independent, furious and cold hearted ice queen, with looks to kill dressed in seductive, revealing clothes which are yet empowering, with dark, smouldering make up, giving her a beautiful yet mysterious appearance.
The mood board includes a colour chart displaying the colours I am going to use to create her look (plus red) which I have recently decided to add to my design. the flowers represent her natural beauty and femininity and the picture of the characters of Buffy and Angel represent the series in which she is set to appear as well as an example of the way Claudia visualises, and desires her relationship with Quentin to be. When she is in a good mood...

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