These are a few more ideas for the character of Quentin.
The first is based on the idea of romanticism of vampires a theme very popular in much of today's fiction, television and film vampires such as twilight and the vampire diaries. This design includes the signature pale skin, along with dark eyes for a slightly gothic feel. In addition to this I feel that the rare eye make up draws attention to the eyes giving them a hypnotic and seductive allure. Although fairly simple this idea remains My favourite as I want my Quentin to be likeable, and fairly human looking. I feel that if my character was a scary, evil looking vampire it would be hard to link him with the words "save us" this Quentin is a gentleman, he is attractive looking, romantic and sensitive in nature he is the Quentin that Claudia sees when she she is happy. He values their relationship and is always distraught after one of her jealous, angry episodes.

This is my second design and is the complete opposite of my idea above I created this design purely to play with the idea of blood and gore. This image was inspired by the angry violent vampires of the Buff series which have deepest yellow eyes and deeply wrinkled faces giving them a demonic and animal like appearance. I have included wrinkles in the image but have also kept the skin pale and deathly looking which the Buffy vampires are not. In the Buff series the vampires retain their tanned human like skin tones once transformed into their vampire faces. Another feature of this design is the crystal clear blue eyes something I would like as I feel they are beautiful yet deceptive looking. To create these eyes on my model I would use clear blue contacts. This idea although fun to create does not fit entirely with the character of Quentin I want to portray ad I want to show his sensitive and thoughtful side.
This final design of Quentin was almost purely created for the purpose of having a fourth design to meet the brief criteria as I already had my heart set on using my second design as it fitted both the story and mood behind my chosen words. However I did use this as an opportunity to experiment using a slightly darker base whilst keeping the other make up features very similar to my chosen design. Again I have used dark eyeshadow and liner to create dark mysterious eyes and pale foundation to create pale deathly lips.

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